Wake up Black America a new dedicated page for conservative policy discussion.

Wake up Black America! For some time now the Democratic party has been re-writing history.  It’s time to remember the past.  It was just about 60 years ago or so the Democrats let lose with the the dogs, fire hoses and baseball bats.  The Democrats stood in opposition to the actions of the Republican president that led the way in enforcing civil rights and the right to vote and live in freedom. They did that in the name of civil...

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Howard Stern calls Obama and Democrats Communists! OMG…

This is amazing. Howard Stern had an epiphany and finally realised the Dems are Communists. See and listen here in his own words…  Howard is the Inconvenient Hero of the week! A long time ago I was a fan of Howard Stern. Don’t ask me why but it was mostly because I have a strange sense of humor and he seemed such an irreverent person he made me laugh. Later it seemed he drifted so far to the radical left supporting only...

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Wake up Black America! Your freedom is a stake once again.

The government only holds the power over you that you willingly relinquish.  After such a long battle, against the Democratic machine I might add, for equal rights why would Black Americans be so willing to relinquish a single bit a freedom in exchange for the empty promise of some “Obama money.” The greatest strides in equal rights and freedom have been led by the Republicans and freedom minded independents.  They have...

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Economic impact begins ATT $1billion write down due to Obama care

Multi billion $ losses now being reported by major corporations.  Did you think the impact of this health bill would be delayed?  Think again.  Yesterday ATT announced a $1billion Q1write down of ADDITIONAL COSTS it would incur because of the Obama Care bill.  That is along with billions more write downs that other corporations are announcing.  That will impact earnings.  Earnings impact value of stocks.  Value of stocks impact the...

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Are Tanning Taxes Salons Racist?

Heard on the net… “Why am I a racist for opposing Obama care but the Dems aren’t racist for Taxing Tanning Salons?” This posses an interesting thought.  One would think that a tax that specifically targets a product or service used almost exclusively buy one race would be a no brainer “Racist Tax.”  It would be challenged by the ACLU.  I would be the first to stand and scream if there were a tax in...

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