Let the taxes and the cost begin! For the next four years Americans will pay a lot for nothing.
Now remember my fine liberals when you go to get some of that Obama money and entitlements, the taxes, fees and expenses will begin right away and for the next four years will continue to increase the cost all all goods and decrease profits of American corporations. In case you don’t understand that means your pensions funds will continue to decrease. Job outlooks will continue to remain poor. Your IRA will decrease. Everything...
Poor USA (Pirates of Washington DC.) Hilarious Video! Must see!!
What a great video. A must see!
Who misses Bill Clinton about now? A serious question…
Now this may seem like a very odd post for a conservative forum. We are an Independent forum however and not a wing of the Republican party. We are thinkers and not blind followers. I full well remember much of the goings on that alarmed me during the Clinton Presidency. I recall hoping for his impeachment. I remember corruption and government growth. I also remember corruption and government growth under George Bush and I liked...
Howard Dean DNC Chairman calls for REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH from families earning $92,000 and up! Video
Howard Dean is not SCREAMING, his trademark, but WE should be! In this Video he makes it clear that the intent of the Obama care package is redistribution of wealth taking from middle class families that have just made it! More shocking he has defined that as taking from the top 20% of Americans for no other reason that he feel they are doing to well. He did not say the bottom was doing poorly but the top is doing to well. That...