Are Tanning Taxes Salons Racist?
Heard on the net… “Why am I a racist for opposing Obama care but the Dems aren’t racist for Taxing Tanning Salons?” This posses an interesting thought. One would think that a tax that specifically targets a product or service used almost exclusively buy one race would be a no brainer “Racist Tax.” It would be challenged by the ACLU. I would be the first to stand and scream if there were a tax in...
Please read the constitution, do not quote it without really understanding it…
[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]After spending the evening actually reading the whole constitution I have come to the conclusion that the entire Left and most of the Democratic party and all of the Progressives chose to ignore it. But wait there’s more. [/cp_quote] I have also come to the conclusion that most of those on the right don’t ignore it but don’t take the time to understand it. They are...