Just when you thought political correctness couldn’t get any crazier…
I seldom use other lead stories on this site but this was just to good to pass up. Just another example of the Liberal Progressive “New Think” University of Tennessee Knoxville’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the pronouns “he” and “she” are considered signs of intolerance and will no longer be countenanced on campus. For all you folks who went to school back when there were only him and her – here’s a primer: some of...
What do Polar Bears and Islamic Radicals have in common?
[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]After thinking about the Super Bowl and its famous commercials I remembered a commercial where the Polar bear hugs a Suburbanite that has a “Green” car. [/cp_quote] It was all I could do to keep from screaming! How delusional are are you! THAT BEAR WILL EAT YOU! HE SEES YOU AS FOOD! THEY EAT PEOPLE AS A PART OF THEIR DIET! THEY ARE NOT CUTE AND CUDDLY LOVING CREATURES! ...