Just when you thought political correctness couldn’t get any crazier…

Just when you thought political correctness couldn’t get any crazier…

I seldom use other lead stories on this site but this was just to good to pass up. Just another example of the Liberal Progressive “New Think” University of Tennessee Knoxville’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the pronouns “he” and “she” are considered signs of intolerance and will no longer be countenanced on campus. For all you folks who went to school back when there were only him and her – here’s a primer: some of...

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Just, Fair and Equal in Real Terms vs. Progressive New Think Terms

Just, Fair and Equal in Real Terms vs. Progressive New Think Terms

Our Country was founded on and our Constitution written, based on principals of Equality, Justice and Fairness for all.  Those words are important and their meanings set the foundation for the unparalleled greatness and individual human freedoms this country has achieved over a very short time in all of history. Today a new Radical Ruling Class has reset the meaning of those words in an attempt to undo the unprecedented freedom and...

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Why are Progressives and The Obama administration are in disarray and denial

Why are Progressives and The Obama administration are in disarray and denial

Now why does Main Stream Media speak of disarray and the Obama administration in the same sentence?  The answer is simple. They are sending a message to Washington that their Progressive causes are losing and they must fight harder!  They see the revelation of their radical devotion of socialism  and progressive causes as a problem. Why is this important? As the conservative heart of this country awakens to the damage that is being...

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