Democratic mathematicians and Ruling Party
As the vote draws near I have been pondering the math and the statements made by the “ruling party.” Now that’s an interesting name “ruling party.” It use to be reserved for those dictatorships in third world countries. It just doesn’t have a nice ring to it in the good old USA. It seems to me that “Government by the people for the people” does not really harmonize with...
Mr. President, you are my president… but you forgot to represent me!
Mr. President, you recently said and I quote “When things get tight people need to tighten their belts a bit. They shouldn’t go out and blow a bunch of money on a boat or…” You then went on to comment on how we should not blow a bunch of cash in Las Vegas. Please explain to me why the government is exempt from this. Yes both I and the American public, Liberals and Conservatives alike who are all hurting...
Why is it….?
… that when Joe Wilson makes an inexcusable outburst from the floor of congress and calls the President a liar, because Joe Wilson believes the President is lying to the public,… he is called a racist. and… when ex President Carter refers to President Obama, albeit in the heat of excitement for Carter, as “a Black boy”… he is excused and not even questioned by the main stream media. Now...