Drug Testing Impact on YOUR Employment Outlook

Drug Testing Impact on YOUR Employment Outlook

 After considering the recent push for legalization of drugs in many states I was moved to consider the impact on your employment outlook if you decide to take advantage of this wonderful new found freedom. [cp_quote style=”quote_normal_dark”]Many of those who want to legalize it either want your vote or will make money from you “Smokin Dat Blunt”  They will either have your vote forever, if you remember to...

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Dumb Ass media reports 40 million Americans SS numbers stolen Dah!

Now this seems to be a news flash to the liberal media but not to me nor my fellow Americans that have a brain and are not liberals.  What is so shocking about this report is not that 1 in 7 Americans are victims of identity fraud it’s that these brilliant reporters never mention the main cause of this is illegal immigrants stealing the numbers.  Why can’t they see the correlation between 20 million illegals with each...

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