Tsunamis, Global Warming, Autism? What are you talking about? Read on please.
Today I read something from a mother who had a son with Autism. Read it here… I’m not a scientist but I know why my son has Autism
It made me think. If you don’t want to read the whole thing I’ll jump to the end (spoiler alert). Her older son knew the answer as to why, he said he had autism because “he was borned with it.” For whatever reason those words gave this mother peace. It opened her eyes and she refused to be a victim or treated like one.
[cp_quote style=”quote_normal_dark”]I thought of how many people today are chasing Quixotic windmills trying to blame something or someone. In today’s PC world things just can’t happen. You must have a victim and you must have perpetrator. You must demonize the perpetrator by whatever means and you must use that to control and influence votes.[/cp_quote]
We as a people spend way too much time looking at people as victims and for every victim there has to be a perpetrator. We demonize that perpetrator and make it political to force people to take sides. In the middle are good people and children, like this mother and child, who are caught dealing with the real problem while people march with signs and go home at the end of the day feeling better and doing nothing. Autism or tsunami, it’s the luck of the draw. The roll of the dice that God or nature (depending or your beliefs) cast your way.
[cp_quote style=”quote_right_dark”]Sometimes it’s just a tsunami and NOT man made Global Warming. It’s terrible, bodies everywhere and you have to deal with it. Signs that say “Down with tsunamis” won’t help.[/cp_quote]
When we focus on helping people deal with situations and doing what we can to make life more bearable for those involved, we are far better off than wasting time with the political demonizing process the current ruling class wants to use to manipulate our vote. To the ruling class, or wanna be ruling class, the people who are suffering don’t really matter. All that matters is “the cause.” Doubt me? remember those words “…never waste a good crisis” uttered by a politician in the ruling class.
BTW Autism is not really on the rise as much as everyone thinks. We now call every abnormal behavior that appears to be a behavioral defect at birth or soon after, autism. Well… it was autism. Now it’s autism spectrum disorder. It use to be mental retardation and dare I say it Mongolism and slow and many other things. Next year we’ll slice and dice it into another name to suit the PC crowd and who they want to appeal to. We’ll also come up with a new cause and discredit another one depending on whim. In the mean time people will always suffer and sometimes all we can do is hold their hand and say I understand.
The actual autism rate is kind of like the government claiming there is 5.6% unemployment when there is really 10% to 20% depending on how you measure it. If you want people to pay attention to it as a bad thing, you move the sticks in the appropriate direction. If you want people to forget it move them in the other direction and claim you did something to fix it (don’t tell anyone you just moved the stakes).
It’s time we actually focus on people instead of Windmills. When something bad happens to you or a loved one, don’t think twice. Don’t look back. Whatever you do don’t cast blame or get sucked into the politics. Your life and time are too precious to hand it over to the PC crowd.
And so folks… Stop being a victim and start doing whatever you can even though it may not be enough.