Republican President Eisenhower introduced and signed the first two civil rights bills NOT THE DEMOCRATS!
No children it was not Democrat President Kennedy or Democrat President Lyndon Johnson that led the fight for civil rights in America in the 20th century. It was Republican President Eisenhower! The Republicans have always stood as they do today for true freedom and civil rights. It was the Democrats that stood in the doorway with baseball bats in opposition to civil rights.
Lest we forget as the Democrat history revisionists rewrite history and cast the Republicans and Tea Party members as racist IT IS THE DEMOCRATS THAT INVENTED RACISM. The KKK was an arm of the Democratic party in much the same way the left wing is an arm of that party today. It has been the Republicans and Independents that have fought racism and inequality for 150 years.
Republican President Eisenhower told District of Columbia officials to make Washington a model for the rest of the country in integrating black and white public school children. He proposed to Congress the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960 and signed those acts into law. Although both Acts were weaker than subsequent civil rights legislation, they constituted the first significant civil rights acts since the Civil Rights Act of 1875, signed by President Ulysses S. Grant. The “Little Rock Nine” incident of 1957 involved the refusal by Democrat lead Arkansas to honor a Federal court order to integrate the schools. Under Executive Order 10730, Republican President Eisenhower placed the Arkansas National Guard under Federal control and sent Army troops to escort nine black students into Little Rock Central High School, an all-white public school. The integration did not occur without violence. Eisenhower and Democrat Arkansas governor Orval Faubus engaged in tense arguments.