Puerto Rico Statehood? Dems try at locking up more Senate Votes!
And so we hear from out of no where the attempt to FORCE statehood on Puerto Rico by the Ruling Party to lock up their rule. the people of Puerto Rico have voted on several occasions that they DO NOT WANT TO BE A STATE! Let them go they have the best of both worlds now. That does not fit in with the Ruling Party’ plan though. With two more Senators they have a better chance of locking up votes in the Senate and gaining voters for the RULING PARTY!
The Dems have no other reason for this. The people of Puerto Rico have spoken many times but that does not matter when the Ruling Party smells the chance to gain a few more votes and tighten their strangle hold on the people of this republic and that Protectorate. Watch out Puerto Rico! You could get what you don’t want!