A sign of things to come, or are they here now? It happens when the Ruling Class turns on you. It will always always turn on you to stay in power or gain more power. This is what happens when the PC crowd turns on itself. This is what happens when you try to shut down opposition.
It’s a protest song for God’s sake. Protest songs are a staple of our world. This is what happens when you put laws around hate speech. It happens when you try to control people feelings through laws. It happens when you make laws under the guise of “Fairness” when it’s clear that the intent of the laws are to “control and bias the election process.” It happens when you fail to lead with a “Strong Moral Code” and instead lead with your”Good Intentions”
Now don’t get me wrong the singer is most likely not aligned with my way of thinking but he has the right to sing. This is Coming to America or perhaps it’s here already but the Progressive Liberal Left are just blind to it because it seems to advance their agenda… for the time being that is.
Liberal Left Progressive Protest singers, I’m on your side. Be sure to lead with a Strong Moral Code not Good Intentions. This will happen to you. Freedom of speech is a strong moral code. Support all freedom of speech not just yours.