[cp_one_half][cp_quote style=”quote_normal_dark”]OK! please bear with me while I sound like a tree hugging, gay loven, anti Christian, socialist, big brother loven, goverment control loven sheeple![/cp_quote]
I have long pondered this and I must say I have Gay friends and associates and they are great. It still gives me a bit of the uncomfortable creepiness to see two guys holding hands or kissing with passion. Hey that’s just in my genes. Of course being a guy it doesn’t bother me to see the same happen with two women. What a quandary and how do I not act like a hypocrite about this? Stop and think for a second… I’m talking about feelings not actions! You can control your actions but not your instinctive feelings.
Your instincts are 80% what you were born with and 20% what you learn from experience. This does not make your feelings right or wrong. They are just your feelings. Ever fall in love with or know someone that fell in love with the wrong person? Their feelings were good, their actions were wrong if they got married.
So we have feelings and actions. Gay people have served and will continue to serve in the US military and our country with honor. Gay people have harmed the military and our country and served with dishonor (can you say Wikie Leaks leaker asshole). In other words they are just as capable of doing good or bad as anyone else. There are those in the Military that will quit over this and those that will join and those who don’t give a crap. Funny that’s the same as many other jobs.
The military however is a very different job and the stability of the unit must be maintained in order to retain unit trust. The military has recognised the importance of cohesiveness of the unit for many years and has been able to control it with regulations and the code of conduct. They have handled females for many years and they have been a valuable asset to our military strength.[/cp_one_half]
Young people are way more tolerant of this gay thing than many older people. They will be OK. They will work it out. The cohesiveness of the unit will be maintained and if you follow common sense code of conduct the same as “Don’t have sex with your friends wife” things will be OK. There will be gays that will join and act flaming. They will not survive if they do not follow the code of conduct. There will be gays that will not reveal their preferences they will survive and be respected even if or after they are revealed as long as they follow the code of conduct. It is time for common sense to prevail.
We conservatives have been distracted for to long by this issue which will have little impact on our security and chances for survival and winning wars. Let me be quite clear we are at more danger from radical Muslims in the military than gays! Remember Fort Hood! Yet we are so PC that we fear to offend them.
Here is the deal if you are a radical Muslim or act like one then you should be killed and if you are in the military you should be willing to kill them no matter if you are a Muslim or a gay guy or gal. If you are a gay guy or gal and you break the code of military conduct including making unwanted sexual advances then you must face the consequences the same as the guy that screws the captains wife. Plain and simple as that.
Get over this and move on to the real important things LIKE KILLING THE BAD GUYS WHO ARE SAYING THEY WILL KILL US! Get over this and get on with conservative financial behavior in the government. Get over this and stop the wild spending. Get over this and repeal Obama-care. Get over this and get the government out of my pocketbook. Get over this and get the Federal Government out of our State Business. Get over this and get the government out of the school indoctrination business. Get over this and support freedom of speech. Get over this and keep government out of my kitchen I’ll eat what I want. Should I go on?
Get over this and get government out of our lives and bedrooms. That is being a conservative. That is being free. Liberals and Democrats want to control your lives and want you to act as sheeple. They want to control everything, not provide freedom. It is that very freedom, real freedom that will defeat them and right now don’t ask don’t tell is just a distraction that we can ill afford… Get over it!