I seldom use other lead stories on this site but this was just to good to pass up. Just another example of the Liberal Progressive “New Think”
University of Tennessee Knoxville’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the pronouns “he” and “she” are considered signs of intolerance and will no longer be countenanced on campus. For all you folks who went to school back when there were only him and her – here’s a primer: some of the new gender neutral pronouns are ze, hir, zir, xe, xem and xyr
Read more at http://libertyunyielding.com/2015/08/30/just-when-you-thought-political-correctness-couldnt-get-any-crazier-this/
This is a new one. Admittedly, when I first read this story, I thought it was fake news from the satire site the Onion. But sadly it is actually happening. According to the University of Tennessee Knoxville’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the pronouns “he” and “she” are considered signs of intolerance and will no longer be countenanced […]
Source: Just when you thought political correctness couldn’t get any crazier… – Liberty Unyielding