Are Tanning Taxes Salons Racist?
Heard on the net… “Why am I a racist for opposing Obama care but the Dems aren’t racist for Taxing Tanning Salons?”
This posses an interesting thought. One would think that a tax that specifically targets a product or service used almost exclusively buy one race would be a no brainer “Racist Tax.” It would be challenged by the ACLU. I would be the first to stand and scream if there were a tax in this bill levied on African American hair products.
Come to think of it I would not be heard above the cacophony coming from Jessi Jackson and Al Sharpton. In the end the Ruling Party and the Libs and the Dems have a copyright on the term Racist. They have also cornered the market on horse blinders and ear plugs they wear to avoid seeing or hearing the obvious hypocracy in their own words.