Lead from behind and your nose will be up someone’s ass.
I just remembered something I said the other day. So my thought provoking snippet for the day is… “When you lead from behind, your nose is always up someone’s ass.” Of course this may not be original because it’s so common sense. If only “The leader of the free world” would get the common sense behind it. I’ll add a second line to it. Maybe provoke a bit more thought. “…but...
If I wanted America to fail. A video exposing the Hypocrisy of Environmental Extremists!
Watch this educational Video on or site… https://www.inconvenienthypocrites.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/If-I-wanted-America-to-fail.mp4 …or on...
Katie Couric thinks we need a Muslim Comedy Show. I agree!
Katie recently stated that she thought the “anti Muslim” feelings in this country were there because we did not really understand them and a comedy show would bring the life of Muslims to the country in a comedic light. Wow what a great idea Katie. Brilliant! Now let’s see how we can bring this to a good light. Let’s make it child centric, kind of cartoon like the Islamic shows for children in the Gaza...
Dumb Ass media reports 40 million Americans SS numbers stolen Dah!
Now this seems to be a news flash to the liberal media but not to me nor my fellow Americans that have a brain and are not liberals. What is so shocking about this report is not that 1 in 7 Americans are victims of identity fraud it’s that these brilliant reporters never mention the main cause of this is illegal immigrants stealing the numbers. Why can’t they see the correlation between 20 million illegals with each...
Yes America, the NAACP is Racist to the core and irrelevant! NAACP must now face its own racism!
I once revered this organization, though I never cared for the name. Funny thing about that name… If you are White and you mention “Colored People” you will be labeled racist. If you say “People of Color” that will be OK. Yet it’s OK for this organization to be named the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). If a well meaning honest non racist predominantly white...
An outrage, the Government gives up portion of the US boarder to illegal aliens and drug smugglers!
You would think when a huge portion of the US was not safe for citizens to walk in because of illegal aliens, drug and human smugglers, the president would send in the troops? Never happen. In response to an armed invasion our government puts up signs warning US citizens not to enter US property. I am outraged at the Government for not protecting our citizens, and the Media for not demanding protection for US citizens. View this...