Howard Stern calls Obama and Democrats Communists! OMG…
This is amazing. Howard Stern had an epiphany and finally realised the Dems are Communists. See and listen here in his own words… Howard is the Inconvenient Hero of the week! A long time ago I was a fan of Howard Stern. Don’t ask me why but it was mostly because I have a strange sense of humor and he seemed such an irreverent person he made me laugh. Later it seemed he drifted so far to the radical left supporting only...
Please read the constitution, do not quote it without really understanding it…
[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]After spending the evening actually reading the whole constitution I have come to the conclusion that the entire Left and most of the Democratic party and all of the Progressives chose to ignore it. But wait there’s more. [/cp_quote] I have also come to the conclusion that most of those on the right don’t ignore it but don’t take the time to understand it. They are...