Economic impact begins ATT $1billion write down due to Obama care
Multi billion $ losses now being reported by major corporations. Did you think the impact of this health bill would be delayed? Think again. Yesterday ATT announced a $1billion Q1write down of ADDITIONAL COSTS it would incur because of the Obama Care bill. That is along with billions more write downs that other corporations are announcing. That will impact earnings. Earnings impact value of stocks. Value of stocks impact the...
Democrats Vote to allow Federal purchases of Viagra for sex offenders!
Under “things not to do” you would think it was smart not to provide Sex Drugs to Convicted Sexual offenders. The Ruling Party seems to think it’s ok. Strange but true… While there were many amendments offered by the Republicans for the new health bill the rejection of this one was one of the most bizzar! Now what could these Dems have been thinking? Why wouldn’t you bar the Federal Government under...
Note to self regarding laptops and vacuum cleaners…
Something never to do again… run very powerful vacuum over keyboard of very expensive laptop. If you do, an hour of picking through remnants mixed with dust balls fill with indescribables will cure you of it. Then as a reminder there will be little stubs sticking up where something use to be. The missing parts will be found with missing socks someday in the after life.