Texas Teen Posing With Gun in Selfies Accidentally Shoots, Kills Himself
Perhaps the most notable thing about this story is he was 19 years old and leaving two children behind. One might say his children will be without a father, but then those children never had a father, they only had a baby daddy. Truly this was one dumbass move. Oh and yes they “found” the gun earlier in the day. Now if they could only pin it on the police killing one of the finest young men around just set to go to...
Drug Testing Impact on YOUR Employment Outlook
After considering the recent push for legalization of drugs in many states I was moved to consider the impact on your employment outlook if you decide to take advantage of this wonderful new found freedom. [cp_quote style=”quote_normal_dark”]Many of those who want to legalize it either want your vote or will make money from you “Smokin Dat Blunt” They will either have your vote forever, if you remember to...
What do Polar Bears and Islamic Radicals have in common?
[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]After thinking about the Super Bowl and its famous commercials I remembered a commercial where the Polar bear hugs a Suburbanite that has a “Green” car. [/cp_quote] It was all I could do to keep from screaming! How delusional are are you! THAT BEAR WILL EAT YOU! HE SEES YOU AS FOOD! THEY EAT PEOPLE AS A PART OF THEIR DIET! THEY ARE NOT CUTE AND CUDDLY LOVING CREATURES! ...
An outrage, the Government gives up portion of the US boarder to illegal aliens and drug smugglers!
You would think when a huge portion of the US was not safe for citizens to walk in because of illegal aliens, drug and human smugglers, the president would send in the troops? Never happen. In response to an armed invasion our government puts up signs warning US citizens not to enter US property. I am outraged at the Government for not protecting our citizens, and the Media for not demanding protection for US citizens. View this...
Obama Apologizes to Mexico for slip of tongue…
During dinner conversation with the Mexican President Obama thinks the mic is off and he let the “S” word slip… He feels bad about that and later apologizes about his language to the Mexican people.
Howard Dean DNC Chairman calls for REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH from families earning $92,000 and up! Video
Howard Dean is not SCREAMING, his trademark, but WE should be! In this Video he makes it clear that the intent of the Obama care package is redistribution of wealth taking from middle class families that have just made it! More shocking he has defined that as taking from the top 20% of Americans for no other reason that he feel they are doing to well. He did not say the bottom was doing poorly but the top is doing to well. That...