A question of Fairness and Outcomes and Little People playing in the NBA…

fairness photo[cp_quote style=”quote_normal_dark”]How many times have I heard “It’s just not fair” or “We’re just trying to be fair” and “It’s only fair” over the past decade.  It gives me a headache but it makes me think.  Could those words signal just a bit of hypocrisy to follow?[/cp_quote]

These words are uttered mostly by progressives but it’s not limited to the progressives.  They are uttered to demonize opposition to just about anything.  They are uttered to justify just about anything including, now wait a minute for this… “unfairness.”  I’ve been told at times we have to be “…unfair just to make things fair”

Just ask the person who spews any one of this “fair talk.”  They will steer the conversation to what they think is “Fair” and that will no doubt be about “equal outcomes” or “predetermined outcomes” and not actual fairness in any sense of the word “fair” at all.

In their fantasy world fairness is determined by the outcome, not an equal playing field or equal opportunity.  If their predetermined outcome does not happen it just can’t be fair.  In their world there are only victims and those who are not fair.  Anyone who has anything got it because they were privileged.  Anyone who does not have it was their victim.

Fairness of course does not apply to the case of the Black guy who sold his headphone idea to Apple for over a Billion Dollars.  That guy worked hard and deserved it.   You of course must make an exception in the case Apple the richest company on earth who makes profit margins of 45% and keeps their money hidden off shore to avoid US taxes and uses slave labor in third world countries to manufacture their goods.  They are the exception because after all the progressives, the left and the feel-goods love their iPhones, iPods and iPads.  You just have to make an exception for Apple, after all it’s only fair.

[cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]Imagine the world of fairness entering into the NBA.  [/cp_quote]Is it fair that Little People don’t have a chance there?  With a few simple rule changes it could be fair and they would be able to have a shot at the Golden Hoops of the NBA.

Let’s see how that could work.  Why of course you just lower the basket on one side of the court.  But then what about rebounds?  Well the other team of Big People (we’ll just call them the Biggies and the little people Minis to be fair) would have to play on their knees.  But then we would have to do something about the Biggie’s arms.  Of course they would have to play with one arm tied behind their backs.

Moving on it seems it may be hard for the Biggies to get sneaker endorsements since they would be playing on their knees with no real need for basket ball shoes.  The Minis could take all the shoe endorsement action but to be fair the Biggies could take all the knee pad endorsements.  That would be fair and start a new industry, $200 knee pads.  That would be fair.  Please don’t take my idea.  Damn I think someone may have already taken the idea and is selling it to the North Koreans.

I believe Dennis Rodman would think it only fair.  Dennis you’re my hero!


Author: Mr. America

I am an independent observer of life... amused and at the same time frightened by those who speak for the people and make no personal commitment to their stated beliefs. If you believe in global warming make a small personal carbon footprint don't force others. If you believe in freedom of speech, allow others to speak. Elected leaders, represent everyone not just your special interest groups. If you condemn racism don't tolerate it within your own race. If an opinion does not match yours, listen with an open mind you may be the one who is wrong.

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