Please accept Undocumented Military Aged Male Muslim Refugees into your homes.
That is what Liberals are asking us to do. I am posing this question to all Liberals who want to accept this influx of Syrian and Middle Eastern Refugees running from Isis. Will you accept these men into your home? Please let me know and I will put you in touch with people that will get them to you.
…and Pope Francis with all due respect, and I do respect you, how many undocumented Military aged Male Muslims are you inviting as permanent residents of Vatican City? If you expect Europe to take in millions of them you should take in a few thousand. Oh and don’t forget to build them a Mosque right in the middle of the Vatican. I’m sure you can find it in your heart.
Fact: Refugees that are coming your way are 80% Military aged Male Muslims. They are not Christians, Women, children and aged people. They are not documented and are objecting to being finger printed. That is a strong indication that either they are cowards and will not fight for their freedom nor the freedom of their families or they are part of the plan to infiltrate, destabilize and destroy the west.
So go ahead Liberal dumb asses turn your “Danger Will Robinson” signal off and see what happens. Invite them into your homes, or are you just being hypocritical and want others to take them in. You are to good for that. Just like other people’s money that you want to spend you want other people to shelter these folks. You expect me to take them in or at least have me pay for them to be forced on someone else by our government.
The objective is to destabilize Europe and our country. They are doing it. Liberals are aiding them. The Pope is acting like a pawn in this charade. You are all Dumb asses and shall be awarded Inconvenient Hypocrite of the week awards.